Spike to Harmony: I gave up my life for Buffy, the world, and if I show up now, flesh and bone, my grand finale won't hold much weight.
from Harm's Way (Season 5)
captures from this scene

HARMONY: (to bartender) So I save the summit by killing the skank who tried to frame me, and all I get is, get me some coffee. You believe that? Oh, hey, can I get another, but with one of those little umbrellas?

BARTENDER: We're out.

HARMONY: Right. Figures.

SPIKE: (arriving) Yeah, life's an ever-lovin' bitch, isn't it?

HARMONY: What are you doing here?

SPIKE: At the moment, hearing a bit of your story of woe.

(sits at the bar beside Harmony)

HARMONY: But...what happened to Europe? Aren't you supposed to be slayer-chasing or something?

SPIKE: I was on my way. Had a boat ticket and all. Then I put a little thinking into it. A man can't go out in a bloody blaze of glory, savin' the world, and then show up 3 months later, tumbling off a cruise ship in the south of France. I mean, I'd love to, don't get me wrong, but, uh, it's hard to top an exit like that.

HARMONY: (rolls her eyes) Come on. Girls don't care about stuff like that. Just one look at you, and she'll forget herself, and she'll get all tingly, and it won't matter how horribly you treated her in the past and how you took her for granted, and...

SPIKE: I never took her for gr (realizes she's talking about herself) Oh. I expect Buffy would be happy enough to see me. It's just, I gave up my life for her, the world, and if I show up now, flesh and bone, my grand finale won't hold much weight. All of it... won't matter.

HARMONY: Yeah—not mattering. (sighs) I know that feeling well.

SPIKE: Oh, come on, Harm, you matter to someone.


SPIKE: Yeah. Girl tried to frame you, didn't she? Must have mattered to her. Everybody's talking about it.

HARMONY: You're right. That girl hated me. She wanted me dead. I matter.

(Spike nods and holds up his drink in a toasting motion. Harmony sips her drink and nods, smiling, satisified.)

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written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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