Nina to Angel: Anyway, I was thinking... I mean... What are you doing for breakfast tomorrow?
from Smile Time (Season 5)
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(Nina bounces anticipatingly off the elevator, starts looking around for Angel. Spots him)

NINA: Um... hey!

ANGEL: Hey. Back for the Wolfram & Hart Bed-and-Breakfast?

NINA: Full moon cycle starts tonight, in... 38 minutes, actually. Had a little snag getting out of the house.

ANGEL: Haven't told your sister yet, huh?

NINA: It's not the sort of thing that's easy to jump to in conversation. Oh, by the way, Jill, I've been a werewolf for 4 months. I told her I was going camping in the desert again. She's starting to worry I've turned into some new agey, moon-worshipping Wicca person.

ANGEL: Might be relieved to find out that you're just a werewolf.

(as Angel and Nina pass the receptionist's desk, Harmony flags Nina)

HARMONY: Hey, there, Nina. We've got your suite ready.

ANGEL: It's OK, Harmony. I'll take her.

NINA: (waving at Harmony) Bye!


ANGEL: Seems like you're getting used to the routine, though.

NINA: Yeah. In a weird way, I'm starting to like it. These stay-overs, I mean. Not the going all hairy part, but... I don't know, coming here. There's always something interesting going on. And getting to see you, I look forward to that—you... all month, actually.

ANGEL: (deer in headlights) Uh-huh. Um... I should probably close the cage.

NINA: What?

ANGEL: Insurance thing.

NINA: Oh, right.

ANGEL: OK, um... Bye.

(hurries toward the door)

NINA: (quickly) Anyway, I was thinking... I mean... What are you doing for breakfast tomorrow?

ANGEL: Oh, you know— Drinking blood.

NINA: Right, yeah.

ANGEL: Uh, see ya.

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written by: Joss Whedon & Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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