Glory: you have super powers!
from No Place Like Home (Season 5)
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(Buffy explores the old factory by flashlight. Suddenly she spots the monk, still tied to a chair)

BUFFY: Whoa.

(She runs to his aid and starts loosening his restraints.)

BUFFY: It was you who planted the Dagon Sphere, right? I got it. Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look.

(Glory silently approaches Buffy from behind.)

BUFFY: I have had experience with stuff like this before. Best of all...

(Buffy whirls around and seizes Glory by the throat.)

BUFFY: I'm not stupid.

(Glory gives Buffy a withering look, wrenches Buffy's arm from her neck and backhands the Slayer with such force that she flies 50 feet across the room and impacts the cement wall so hard she cracks it. )

GLORY: You sure about that last part?


(the fight continues, and Buffy is getting pounded)

GLORY: And another thing? I just want you to know...

(She slams Buffy into a support pillar and pummels her.)

GLORY: The whole "beat ya to death" thing I'm doing? It's valuable time out of life that I'm never gonna get back.

(Buffy tries to fight back but Glory grabs both her arms and wrenches them downward. Buffy cries out in pain.)

GLORY: Wait, I've always wanted to try this. You know that thing with worms where if you have one, you rip it in half, you got two worms? Do you think that'll work with you?

(Buffy slams her head into Glory's face and breaks free. Glory cries out in shock.)

GLORY: You hit me! What, are you crazy?

(Buffy presses the attack, hitting and kicking for all she's worth, forcing Glory backward, but her blows seem more to offend Glory than injure her.)

GLORY: You can't go around hitting people. What, were you born in a barn? Fine. Be that way.

(Glory easily blocks Buffy's next blow and swings her around into the wall. She sends a blow for Buffy's head but the Slayer ducks at the last instant and Glory's fist punches through the concrete. Glory picks Buffy up by the throat and holds her there, gasping for air.)

GLORY: I just noticed something. You have super powers. That is so cool. Can you fly?

(she throws Buffy across the room; she lands next to the monk. She gets up to face Glory again, and then realizes she'd be better off taking the monk and running. So she grabs him and jumps through the window, sheilding him with her body.)

GLORY: Hey! Hands off my holy man!

( Glory charges after her, but a heel on one of her shoes breaks. peeved she stomps her foot, but her excessive use of force brings the factory down around her)

GLORY: Oh, shi--

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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