Eve to Gunn: I can see why the senior partners chose you
from Conviction (Season 5)
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EVE: Lot simpler fighting vamps on the street, wasn't it? Tricked-out pickup, loyal gang, just you and the pointy wood against the living dead.

GUNN: This gonna be a thing with you, jumping out at people, or do you just not have an office of your own?

EVE: I'm just wondering if you're ready for the next step.

GUNN: Or if maybe I'd like to go back to living on the street, eating garbage and watching my buddies get picked off one by one? Yeah, that was the life.

EVE: So you're not backing out?

GUNN: You don't know me or you wouldn't ask that question.

EVE: I can see why the senior partners chose you. (hands Gunn a business card) Have fun. You'll feel like a new man.

WESLEY: (overhearing) What did she mean?

GUNN: Tailor. Guess I'm not dressed for success.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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