Buffy to Shadow Men: how'd I understand anything you guys just said?
from Get It Done (Season 7)
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BUFFY: Hello? I'm Buffy. I'm the slayer.

RED HAT SHADOW MAN (SUBTITLE): We know who you are.

BLACK HAT SHADOW MAN (SUBTITLE): And we know why you're here.

BROWN HAT SHADOW MAN (SUBTITLE): We've been waiting.

BUFFY:Good. That's good then. Um, you know, I know we have bigger issues to deal with, but how'd I understand anything you guys just said? Oh, I know, ancient magicks. I just thought it was neat.

RED HAT SHADOW MAN (SUBTITLE): We have been here since the beginning.

BLACK HAT SHADOW MAN (SUBTITLE): Now, we are almost at the end.

BUFFY: The neat of it just left. End of what?

BROWN HAT SHADOW MAN (SUBTITLE): You are the hellmouth's last guardian.

BUFFY: Latest. You mean latest guardian.


BUFFY: OK, um, I have a First to fight, OK. So just tell me what I need to know. I came to learn.

RED HAT SHADOW MAN (SUBTITLE): We cannot give you knowledge. Only power.

BUFFY: You know what I think? I'm not really here at all. None of this is actually happening. This is like a play. Like some shadow-play. Some non-reality re-enactment hologramy?

(One of the men hits Buffy, knocking her over?she falls to the ground.)

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written by: Douglas Petrie; originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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