Buffy: take your Slayer to the iceshow?
from Helpless (Season 3)
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BUFFY: You know, it's not just cartoon characters. They do pieces from operas and ballets. Brian Boitano, doing Carmen, is a life changer. Oh, he doesn't actually play Carmen, but a lot of sophisticated people go.

GILES: (absently) Yes, I think we should start with the grounding crystal again.

BUFFY: You know, it's usually something that families do together.

GILES: Now, look very carefully for the tiny flaw at its core.

BUFFY: I-if someone were free, they'd take their daughters or their student... or their Slayer. (looks up at him hopefully)

GILES: Hmm? Yes, but, Buffy, I think we should concentrate now. Now, look for the flaw at its center.

(Buffy goes trancey)

GILES: Buffy?

(Giles gives her an injection. Then she snaps out of it)

BUFFY: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I zone out on you? It's just... I'm nursing that flu bug.

GILES: It's best to take care of that. Perhaps we should, um...

BUFFY: ...call it a night. Yeah, (exhales) that's a good idea. Thanks.

GILES: Good night.

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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