Tara & Willow float a rose
from A New Man (Season 4)
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(Tara's room)

WILLOW: I'm glad you wanted to get together. I know it's late.

TARA: Thanks. (a beat) I was happy you called.

(Willow places the rose on top of the circled star.)

WILLOW: We'll start out slow.

TARA: Okay.

TARA: Willow?


TARA: (eyes opening) Start out slow doing what?

WILLOW: (in a soft voice) Oh. We're gonna float the rose. Then use the majiks to pluck the petals off, one at a time. It's a test of synchronicity. Our minds have to be perfectly attuned to work as a single delicate implement.

TARA: Cool.

WILLOW: And it should be very pretty.

(they close their eyes and hold hands. The rose begins to float. They open their eyes.)

TARA: (softly) It worked.

WILLOW: (softly) Now for the hard part. The petals.

(They begin to concentrate again looking at the rose when the rose suddenly shoots off across the room. Surprised, they stand and watch as the rose ricochets off the walls a few times and have to duck to avoid it. It finally comes straight down on the four point star and we see that it is petalless but smoking.)

WILLOW: (shocked) What the heck was that?

TARA: I don't know, but, uh, the petals are off. (chuckling)

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 47

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