Tara: Nobody messes with my girl
from Bargaining (Part 2) (Season 6)
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ANYA: Where's she going?

TARA: Should we follow her?

WILLOW: I don't know.

XANDER: She just ... needs some time is all. The important thing is that she's back. She'll be fine.


ANYA: Xander, look out!

RAZOR: Now what kind of Slayer is it runs out on her buddies just when they need her the most?


WILLOW: Obfuscate.


WILLOW: Fragilis.

RAZOR: So, witch, got a little power after all. Well, let's see what tricks you can manage while I choke the life outta- (falls over dead)


TARA: Nobody messes with my girl.

XANDER: Tara, nice axing.

TARA: My first.

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written by: Marti Noxon & David Fury; Transcribed by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 47

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