Gunn: Now this is my kind of spiritual retreat!
from The House Always Wins (Season 4)
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(as they drive into Las Vegas)

GUNN: Now this is my kind of spiritual retreat.

ANGEL: I just thought we could all use a little getaway to decompress. I know I haven't had a vacation in a while. Not counting my recent ocean cruise.

FRED: Yeah, but the reason we're here is to see Lorne, right?

ANGEL: Absolutely. Maybe afterwards we can check out that Danny Gans guy we keep seeing billboards for.

FRED: You mean after Lorne reads you to help you get back on your path.

ANGEL: Yeah, whatever. (beat) Wow. This place sure has changed.

GUNN: Get out! You never told me you've been to Vegas before.

ANGEL: Yeah, a few times. Been a while, though. Used to be dunes over there.

GUNN: Oh, man, it has been a while. They tore down the Dunes ten years ago.

ANGEL: Not the casino, I mean actual dunes. Bugsy used to call them bug piles.

GUNN: Bugsy? Bugsy Segal?

ANGEL: Yeah. Not one with words, I know, but the man—he had a mean backhand on the tennis court. (beat) So what do you guys wanna do first?

FRED: Um, well, the place Lorne is singing is called the Tropicana.

GUNN: The Tropicana? (incredulous) THE Tropicana? That can't be right?

FRED: Why not?

ANGEL: Uh, the Tropicana is a pretty high-profile casino, not some low-key out-of-the-way dive. Looking the way Lorne does, he'd have to go some place a little bit more, you know, discreet.

FRED: How discreet, exactly?

(Fred looks out at a multi-story back lit sign in front of the Tropicana.

Exclusive Engagement - 17th Straight Week
The Incomparable Song Stylings of—

(Underneath the picture of Lorne is a scrolling text box, that says: LORNE: The Green Velvet Fog)

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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