Jasmine and Connor find the gang
from Sacrifice (Season 4)
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FRED: Matthew! It's ok. We don't want to hurt you. We just want to talk, but it's not safe here.

MATTHEW: You didn't tell me the sun came back out.

GUNN: Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you. Sun came back out.

MATTHEW: Angel, he's a vampire like the ones who—

FRED: Matthew, we can't explain it all up here, but we're the good guys, I swear, and we need you to come with us.

MATTHEW: No. No, I won't go!

GUNN: Sorry, son, but we ain't asking.

MATTHEW: (shouting out) Help! Help!

(Gunn punches Matthew, knocking him out. Fred stares at him, stunned.)

GUNN: Fred...Fred!

FRED: What?

GUNN: Get his feet.


(Fred and Gunn bring in the unconscious Matthew.)

HOLLY: Matthew?

GOLDEN: Gunn, what the hell happened, man?

GUNN: He'll be ok.

FRED: I'm sorry. We had no other—

GUNN: Fred!

GOLDEN: What is she talking about?

GUNN: Nothing.

GOLDEN: Gunn, I'm not liking what I'm not hearing. What did you do to my boy?

GUNN: Son, there's a whole new world of bad going on upstairs, and your boy was walking into it blind. Now, we did what we had to, and frankly, I ain't interested in your opinion on the subject!

(Matthew stars with the possessed chuckling)

HOLLY: Matty? Honey?

FRED: Oh, no.

MATTHEW: (in Jasmine's voice) I see you! Holly, look what they did to Matthew. They hit him again and again until he lost all consciousness. He just wanted to see the sun.

GUNN: Fred, Lorne, time to go.

MATTHEW: (in Jasmine's voice) Golden, my love, don't you want to hit them? Don't you want to kill them?

GOLDEN: You know... that just might make my whole damn day.

GUNN: (to Fred and Lorne) Go!

(they run smack into Connor and his army of Jasmaniacs)

CONNOR: (in Jasmine's voice) Hello again, children. I believe you've met my father.

(... later, Lorne, Fred and Gunn are fleeing from Connor ...)

LORNE: (whining) I really hate today.

GUNN: More worried about tomorrow myself. Come on!

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written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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