Spike: I'm back, Charlie boy! That's what's going!
from Destiny (Season 5)
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SPIKE: Look, that was a long time ago. She wasn't herself.

HARMONY: (holds up a package) You got mail.

SPIKE: What?

HARMONY: It's addressed to you, care of here.

SPIKE: Who the hell'd be sending post to a...

HARMONY: Ghost? Doesn't say. Kind of heavy. Here. Oh. You want me to—

SPIKE: If you don't mind.

(Harmony opens the box, releasing a quick but brilliant flash of light, but otherwise appears empty)

SPIKE: Well, that was a slap and a tickle.

HARMONY: There's nothing— (telephone rings, Harmony answers) Morning, Wolfram and (the phone screeches loudly) aah!

(all the phones are ringing off the hook. Meanwhile, Spike is walking purposefully towards Angel's office)

SPIKE: Any more fireworks for me, I'll be in here telling your boss what a miserable bastard—

(walks into Angel's door, bounces off of it, landing on the floor)

SPIKE: Bugger! That hurt.

(Angel walks out of his office and stares at Spike on the floor in front of his door)

SPIKE: (realizing) Hold on...


SPIKE: Hey. I'm— (touches his chest) I can feel. (touches Angel's chest)

ANGEL: Hey. Stop touching me!

SPIKE: (tasting his own bloody nose) Mmm! I can— (grabs Angel's mug)


SPIKE: (drinks) Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Oh, God. It's bloody ambrosia. Is this otter?

GUNN: Hey, what's going—

(Spike hugs Gunn enthusiastically )

SPIKE: I'm back, Charlie boy! That's what's going!

GUNN: He's corporeal. When did this— I mean, how?

ANGEL: I don't know. He just—

SPIKE: I got it. It must've been that box of flash I got in the mail.

ANGEL: You got—from who?

SPIKE: Don't know, don't care. But if you see him, give him a bloody kiss on the mouth for me.

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written by: David Fury & Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 41

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