RJ to Buffy: But, you're like a teacher!
from Him (Season 7)
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MATH TEACHER: So we do know that 6x + y = 16, so we can solve for y in terms of iso -

(Buffy enters the room)

BUFFY: Sorry to interrupt, but we need to see R.J. Brooks down in the guidance office.

(Buffy leads RJ into an empty class room)

RJ: There's no one here.

BUFFY: Yeah, there is. There's one of you, and there's one of me. You were the one in math class. Tell me what that adds up to.

(Cut to Dawn looking for RJ)

DAWN: I'm not coming on too strong if I just look at him.

(back to Buffy & RJ)

BUFFY: I've always been fascinated by football. So, what's it like to lead a team?

RJ: The thing of it is: the time. Nobody gets how much time goes into it, with practices and games.

BUFFY: I totally get it. I was kinda juggling some stuff when I was in high school, too?which was also very recent. Principal Snyder was always on me.

RJ: I still say Wood's the worst. You haven't seen the way that guy rides me. I wish somebody'd get him off my back.

BUFFY: Yeah, that would be cool.

RJ: And sometimes, I didn't even do anything wrong? (Buffy grabs him and kisses him) You're like a teacher.

BUFFY: Not really. But, I mean, does it bother you?

RJ: Not so much.

(more kissage. Dawn sees them through the window and runs out)

XANDER: Dawn? What's wrong? Is this? Did that guy in the jacket?

DAWN: (crying) Uh! I don't even want to hear his name anymore!

XANDER: I just called him "that guy in the jacket".

DAWN: That's what I used to call him in my head before I knew his real name!

XANDER: Dawnie, honey, you seem extremely perturbed. Maybe I should go get Buffy?

DAWN: No! I don't ever want to see her again.

XANDER: I thought that was about that guy in the? um, that guy with the thing.

DAWN: No, it's about both of them.

(cut to Xander intruding on Buffy & RJ)

XANDER: Buffy, I think Dawn needs y? Uuh!

BUFFY: (straddling RJ) Xander, hi. This is R.J.

RJ: Hey, guy. It's called knocking.

XANDER: (to R.J.) I'm sorry. It's just checkout time was an hour ago. We were hoping to make up the bed. Also, it's a classroom, you chowder-head! (to Buffy) Now get off the boy, Buffy. We're going home.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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