Cordy to Angel: I need you to help me have sex... with Groo.
from Couplet (Season 3)
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WESLEY: I'll get started translating this material right away.

ANGEL: Well, ah, Wesley - thanks - for what you said before. You put things into perspective for me.

WESLEY: Glad I could. While I do believe having another warrior for good may be an asset in the coming days, Truth is, you and the Groosalug are two totally different - people...

(Wes trails off as they enter the lobby and see Groo, his hair cut short, dressed in a set of Angel's clothes.)

GROO: Ah, hello.

WESLEY: ...who look exactly alike.

ANGEL: (tensely) He's wearing my clothes.

WESLEY: Good fit.

(Groo smiles up at them. Angel returns the smile.)

ANGEL: Where's Cordelia?

CORDELIA: Oh, good. You're back.

ANGEL: He's wearing my clothes.

CORDELIA: What? Oh, yeah. I-I didn't think you'd mind. Turns out you guys are about the same size. I think he's a little taller. Looks great though, doesn't he? Angel, I need your help.

ANGEL: What happened? - You had a vision?

CORDELIA: What? Oh, no. No, it's nothing like that. Uhm. This is - personal.

ANGEL: What is it?

CORDELIA: I wouldn't ask, except, ah, there's really no one else I can trust with this. It's something only you can do?

ANGEL: Tell me.

CORDELIA: You've done so much for me already and... Well, this is just one more thing for the list, I guess.

ANGEL: There is no list. You know that. Just - just tell me what I can do.

CORDELIA: I need you to help me have sex - with Groo.

(Angel slowly turns his head to look out into the lobby where Groo is standing talking to Wesley. Cordy grins at Groo behind Angel's back and waves. Groo waves and smiles back. Angel lifts a hand, wiggles his fingers a little and raises his eyebrows, while trying to smile back. Fade to commercial and back)

CORDELIA: I realized something today. - It's not the threat of losing the visions that's been keeping me from being close. - It's me. The Visions are just an excuse. I mean - there's always *some* excuse.

ANGEL: Right.

CORDELIA: I'm *tired* of being lonely.

ANGEL: Yeah.

CORDELIA: So I worked it out.

ANGEL: You did?

CORDELIA: Yes! It was something Wesley said - a paranormal prophylactic. And that got me thinking. I couldn't be the only woman on earth that had some supernatural gift that could be lost through physical intimacy.

ANGEL: Stands to reason.

CORDELIA: So I started researching and anyway, I'm right. There is a potion, a protective potion. I take it and bang! I can.

ANGEL: Hmm. A potion.

CORDELIA: Yeah. Anyway, this woman's name is Anita, and she's kind of in the business. Makes love potions, elixirs, things like that. She says she's got just the thing at this address.

ANGEL: You want me to - get this for you.

CORDELIA: I went to my ATM, got cash. (Hands Angel a wad of bills) Nearly cleaned me out, but I think it's worth it.

ANGEL: So you and Groo can...

CORDELIA: like bunnies. You betcha.

ANGEL: Why don't you just send him?

CORDELIA: I *am* sending him. He kind of insists on it, but that's why I need you.


CORDELIA: He doesn't know this world. I can't send him into a demon brothel all by himself! I mean, I trust him, but I'm not crazy.

ANGEL: Brothel.

CORDELIA: *You'd* be safe there. No woman's gonna tempt you, right?

ANGEL: R-right.

(Groo walks into the office.)

GROO: Are we ready?

CORDELIA: I think so.

GROO: We're most grateful for your help, Angel.

(Groo puts an arm around Angel's shoulder and pulls him close)

GROO: You've been a true friend to us both.

ANGEL: Yeah.

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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