Spike: I'm nothing
from Seeing Red (Season 6)
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CLEM: Um... knock knock? I was just in the neighborhood and so I thought, you know, there's a Nightrider marathon on the TV, so... I got Hot Wings!

SPIKE: What have I done? Why didn't I do it? What has she done to me?

CLEM: She-done who? Oh. The Slayer, huh? Gosh. (sympathetic) She break up with you again?

SPIKE: We were never together. Not really. She never lower herself that far.

CLEM: She's a sweet girl, Spike, but hey. Issues. And no wonder, with the whole coming back from the grave and whatnot. I had this cousin, who got resurrected by some kooky shaman -- who-boy! Was that a mess!

SPIKE: Why do I feel this way?

CLEM: (shrugs) Love's a funny thing.

SPIKE: Is that what this is? I can feel it. Squirming in my head.

CLEM: Love?

SPIKE: The chip. Gnawing bits and chunks.

CLEM: (re: Spike's head) Maybe a wet cloth...?

SPIKE: You know, everything always used to be so clear. Slayer. Vampire. Vampire kills Slayer, sucks her dry, picks his teeth with her bones. It's always been that way. I've tasted the life of two Slayers. But with Buffy...It isn't supposed to be this way. It's the chip. Steel and wires and silicon. It won't let me be a monster. And I can't be a man. I'm nothing.

CLEM: Hey. Come on now, Mr. Negative. You never know what's just around the corner. Things change.

SPIKE: They do. (a beat) If you make them.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; No transcript available, so I started with the Shooting Script and spent a couple-three hours editing it to match what was said and shown on the broadcast version. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 46

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