'studying' at the Bronze
from School Hard (Season 2)
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WILLOW: You're just not focused. It's Angel missage.

BUFFY: Well, he didn't say for sure. It was a 'maybe see ya there' kinda deal.

XANDER: Guys, I'm all alone out there. Somebody has to dance with me.

WILLOW: Well, we are studying.

XANDER: C'mon, one dance. You've been studying nearly twelve minutes.

BUFFY: No wonder my brain's fried. (to Willow) Come on.

( Spike walks up to their table and watches them dance)

SPIKE: (to vamp # 1) Go get something to eat. (so that Buffy will overhear) Where's the phone? I need to call the police. There's some big guy out there trying to bite somebody.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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