Xanders: Kill us both spock!
from The Replacement (Season 5)
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ScruffyXANDER: Now, hold on a sec. If you weren't putting a whammy on people with the shiny thing, how'd you do it? How'd you get the promotion?

SuaveXANDER: Well, I'm good at that stuff.

ScruffyXANDER: I am?

SuaveXANDER: Yeah.

ScruffyXANDER: And hey, how 'bout that lady, huh? The apartment manager.

SuaveXANDER: How weird was it when she called me "mister"?

(The Xanders grin goofily at each other.)

WILLOW: We're ready. We should do it now.

(The Xanders turn their grins toward her)

ANYA: What'll we do if this doesn't work?

XANDERS: (unison) Kill us both, Spock!

(They look at each other and laugh delightedly.)

BUFFY: They're ... kinda the same now.

GILES: Yes, he's clearly a bad influence on himself.

ScruffyXANDER: Hey, summon the goddess. Chant the chant. Let's do it.

WILLOW: Actually, it's not that hard. Your natural state is to be together. Toth's spell is doing all the work of keeping you apart. I just have to break it. So you two ... stand right here. Side by side. We don't want you to end up with two fronts, now do we?

ScruffyXANDER: Are you sure you know how to do this?

WILLOW: (exhales) Here we go. Brace yourselves. Let the spell be ended.

(Closeup of a single Xander, still with eyes closed.)

XANDER: You gotta be kidding. "Let the spell be ended," that's not gonna work.

(He opens his eyes and sees there's only one of him.)


ANYA: I liked it the other way. Put him back.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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