Lorne to Angel: I'm sure once Cordelia gets Groo home, she'll just pop him into a smallish drawer, and that will be that.
from Couplet (Season 3)
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(Angel is at Connor's crib)

ANGEL: It's strange.


ANGEL: I remember him being taller.

LORNE: A trick of the light. They don't actually get smaller until they're very, very old.

ANGEL: I didn't mean the baby.

LORNE: I know you didn't.

ANGEL: I meant the Groosalug.

LORNE: I know you did.

ANGEL: Did he seem, ah, - I don't know - short?

LORNE: Oh, absolutely. Clearly the guy shrank - all over, probably. Why, he's nothing but a muscley midget. I'm sure once Cordelia gets him home, she'll just pop him into a smallish drawer, and that will be that.

ANGEL: She took him home. Well - well, that's good. At least we won't have to put him up here. The place was starting to turn into a hotel.

LORNE: So - so you don't have a problem with that then?

ANGEL: Of course not. Why would I?

(Lorne sniffs Angel's tux jacket.)

LORNE: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I don't remember you wearing this perfume when you left this evening?

ANGEL: Okay. There may have been some magic.

LORNE: There. You see?

ANGEL: Actual *magic,* Lorne. Whatever happened, it was a spell. It's worn off now. There's nothing between Cordelia and me.

LORNE: Sure there is. And it got arms like steel cables and a deeply ironic sense of timing.

ANGEL: You know, it's good that the Groosalug showed up when he did. You were right. Cordelia deserves a champion, and now she's got one.

LORNE: Well, what about you?

ANGEL: I'm fine. I've been a solo-act most of my two hundred fourty plus years. And when I wasn't? Never turned out well. I like being alone.

LORNE: Fine, Ms. Garbo. Have it your way. Be alone.

(The closet door closes, and the screen goes dark - only to show us Angel again as he opens the door again a moment later. Angel reaches in, takes out the jacket on its hanger and sniffs at it for just a moment before hanging it back up and closing the door as he turns away.)

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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