Cordy to Angel: before you go we have to do that thing. That thing where I say 'are you sure you know what you're doing, Angel, please think about this'
from Benediction (Season 3)
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ANGEL: I told him you two were going to take him out, spend some time with him.

GUNN: And he's good with that?

ANGEL: Yeah, he seems to be.

FRED: Where do you want us to take him?

ANGEL: Some place were this world isn't as ugly as he thinks it is.

GUNN: How long you need?

ANGEL: A couple of hours should do it.

GUNN: Hey, uhm, what if he asks where you're at?

ANGEL: Don't tell him.

(Gunn and Fred file out of the office and Angel grabs his coat.)

CORDELIA: Wait. Angel, before you go we have to do that thing.

ANGEL: What thing?

CORDELIA: That thing we do. You know that thing where I say 'are you sure you know what you're doing, Angel, please think about this' and then you ignore me and rush head long into trouble?

ANGEL: Right. That thing. - Okay, are we done?

CORDELIA: Angel, please think about this. In fact, don't go there at all.

ANGEL: I have to.

CORDELIA: I know. But don't.

ANGEL: I'm not gonna kill him even though he deserves it.

CORDELIA: Oh, I don't care if you kill him. He stole Connor's childhood, so kill him. But don't lie to your son. He's been here like a day. Way to build the trust.

ANGEL: I'm not lying to him.

CORDELIA: No, you're just sending him off to be distracted while you go confront the man he thinks of as his father.

ANGEL: I'm his father.

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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