Dawn: can I come patrolling with you tonight?
from Entropy (Season 6)
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DAWN: Did we open a chain? Are we the International House of something?

BUFFY: Nope, got up early, and felt like a breakfast kind of morning. Okay, what kind of syrup you want on your pancakes?

DAWN: Syrups have kinds?

BUFFY: Oh, also, you know, I was thinking, after the mall yesterday, maybe we shouldn't go out tonight, you know, maybe we could stay in, and ah, um, get a pizza or rent a movie.

DAWN: Um...

BUFFY: Also, I didn't know if you had, you know, plans this weekend, but I thought maybe we could ah --

DAWN: Hey, Buffy? I'm gonna be okay with the basement thing. Really. You weren't you.

BUFFY: This isn't guilt. I want us to spend time.

DAWN: Okay. Good. I love spending time --

BUFFY: But I'm cramping your teenage style.

DAWN: No --

BUFFY:Yes I am. *I'm* the embarrassing mom who tries too hard. When did this happen?

DAWN: No, you're not, it's not that, it's just, what if, instead of you hanging out with me, maybe I could hang out with you. Why don't I come patrolling with you tonight?

BUFFY: Oh! And then, maybe we could invite over some strangers and ask them to feed you candy.

DAWN: You guys went out patrolling every night when you were my age.

BUFFY: Yes, but, technically, you're one-and-a-half. See, I thought a little levity might, but okay, also no.

DAWN: I just... I just think I could help.

BUFFY: I'm sure you could. But it's a little more dangerous than I had in mind.

DAWN: But --

BUFFY: Dawn. I work very hard to keep you away from that stuff. I don't want you around dangerous things that can kill you.

DAWN: Which would be a perfectly reasonable argument if my sister was chosen to protect the world from tax audits. But see my sister is you, and dangerous things that want to kill me seem to find me.

BUFFY: But you don't need to go looking for them. (a beat) Now eat up. You're gonna be late for school.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; No transcript was available, so I started with the Shooting Script and spent a couple-three hours editing it to match what was said and shown on the broadcast version. Link to a full transcript now available. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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