Super Buffy: You could never hope to grasp the source. But yours is right here.
from Primeval (Season 4)
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(Adam is still firing his mini-gun at Buffy. He fires a rocket at her, but she holds her hand up.)

BUFFY: (Sumerian) Kur.

(The rocket then bursts into 3 birds. She holds her hand up again, and Adam's rocket goes back inside him. Adam tries to attack her, but she blocks every punch.)

ADAM: How...can you--

XANDER: You could never hope to grasp the source

BUFFY: of our power.

(She uppercuts him, sending him flying to the ground. She picks him up and kicks him against the wall. She reaches into him and pulls out the uranium.)

BUFFY: But yours is right here.

ADAM: (groans)

(He falls to the ground. The uranium begins levitating. A woman begins speaking Sumarian, and the uranium disappears.)

RILEY: Buffy.

(she faints, and he scoops her up)

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Sean Johnson . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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