Amy: Willow is Rack's new favorite
from Wrecked (Season 6)
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BUFFY: What's going on?

AMY: Uh-oh. Busted.

BUFFY: Where's Willow?

AMY: (talking too fast, twitchy) She said - she said I, I-I could- -wait!

BUFFY: What is this?

AMY: It's not what you think it is, it's sage!

BUFFY: That is what I think it is. What's going on? Where's Willow and Dawn?

AMY: I ... I saw - I saw her, but that was - I like your coat. When does the slayer find time to shop?

BUFFY: So they didn't let you in?

AMY: Not that they know of.

BUFFY: What else did you take?

AMY: Nothing. Ow!

BUFFY: What else?!

AMY: Please! Please, I need this stuff. Willow wants me to have it, she understands.

BUFFY: Understands what? Breaking into someone's house for kitchen spices? No, I don't think so.

AMY: You should. She's as bad as I am, worse. Bet she's at Rack's right now.

BUFFY: Rack's?

AMY: A place. He does spells, heavy stuff. Willow's his new favorite.

BUFFY: She's there? With Dawn?

AMY: Ohh, don't shake me again, super strength. I think I'm gonna boot.

BUFFY: Then tell me where this place is, and I won't.

AMY: Well, it's downtown, but it moves.

BUFFY: What do you mean, it moves?

AMY: It's downtown, I'm, I'm not sure where it would be tonight exactly-

BUFFY: Tell me how to find it.

AMY: You just kinda have to feel it out ... oh god, I think I'm gonna-

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written by: Marti Noxon; by Joan the English Chick ( action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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