Angel, I don't think it's such a great idea to be working on so many cases at once.
from Provider (Season 3)
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ANGEL: Is this country great or what? Five thousand smackeroos and all I have to do to collect five thousand more, is clean out a vamp nest downtown. Where's Wes and Gunn? I wanna show 'em this.

CORDELIA: Out on a case.

FRED: There's a young woman whose dead boyfriend is stalking her.

ANGEL: That's terrible. Did you...

CORDELIA: I ran her credit. She's solvent.

ANGEL: Nice. (to Connor) Hey, how's my little magnum cum laude, Notre Dame, class of two thousand twenty?

CORDELIA: Angel - I don't think it's such a great idea to be working on so many cases at once. I mean, what if we're all out making money and some poor devil stumbles in here and needs our help?

(The doors open and Lorne stumbles in.)

LORNE: Bon giorno, everybody, bon giorno.

ANGEL: You've been drinking?

LORNE: Oh, I can hold my liquor, Mister. Unfortunately I can't say the same for my firewater.

FRED: Aren't they the same thing?

LORNE: Hey, Fred-girl! No, this is special firewater, used to loosen the tongue of my Gar-wak snitch. They light the water on fire and there's chanting and a bong, and look out, Houston!

ANGEL: Did you learn anything about Holtz?

LORNE: Oh yeah. He is *really* not fond of you. I'm led to believe that he and his Grapplar demons had plans to (makes sound and cutting motion across his throat) you. Is my breath stinky?

(Lorne exhales into Angel face.)

ANGEL: Yeah. (beat) Holtz is using the Grapplars as soldiers.

LORNE: Not anymore, Bucko. He poisoned them and he's looking for replacements. Humans.

ANGEL: Do we know where he is?

LORNE: Bro, I'm on it. I've got rats looking all over this town. Well, not actual rats - except two of them. Ooh, I don't feel so good.

CORDELIA: Uh, we've got company.

(Angel turns to see the Nahdrahs walking in)

CORDELIA: Lorne? It's all snap, crackle, pop to me.

ANGEL: Ah, these are the guys that wanted Wesley.

LORNE: (translating) Not anymore. Now they want Fred.

ANGEL: For what?

LORNE: (translating) Her enormous brain. They're convinced she can solve the puzzle they wanna give to their prince. (To Fred) They weren't offended by you before, they were impressed.

FRED: Really?

ANGEL: Where would she have to go and how long would it take?

LRONE: (translating) They live on a barge, currently docked in the marina. And a day or two, depends no how long it takes her to solve it.

ANGEL: (to Fred) You game?

FRED: Sure.

ANGEL: (to Lorne) You'll have to go with her to translate. Tell 'em it won't be cheap. They're getting two of our top employees. That's salary, per diem, overtime...

LORNE: Okay, okay.

(Clicks and pops away at the Nahdrahs. One of them lifts the metal suitcase up.)

LORNE: They apologize for their paltry offering and hope you'll accept... Fifty thousand dollars!?!

ANGEL: Fifty...

CORDELIA: ...thousand...

FRED: ...Dollars?

(Angel reaches out and grabs the suitcase, a big smile on his face)

ANGEL: We accept.

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written by: Scott Murphy; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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