Ken to Lily: we'll get you taken care of
from Anne (Season 3)
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(Ken comes up to a teary Lily)

Ken: Are you okay?

(Lily shakes her head, barely able to keep from crying.)

Ken: Hey, it's okay. Maybe I can help.

Lily: (sniffles) You can't.

Ken: Look, I know you all think I'm a big square handing out leaflets about hope. But hope is a real thing, just like despair. And hope can fill up a part of you that's missing.

Lily: But Rickie is...

Ken: Rickie? Say, are you Lily? Right! He was talking about you.

Lily: You've seen Rickie?

Ken: Oh, sure! Rickie's with us now.

Lily: She said he was dead.

Ken: Well, someone's sure handed you a tall tale. Rickie's no more dead than I am. Why don't you come to Family Home? We'll get you taken care of.

(Lily goes off with Ken)

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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