Wes to Justine: Holtz? Great guy, not overly tall. Is this where you offer to help me behind his back?
from Sleep Tight (Season 3)
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(Wes is walking down the ironic street. the one where a little kid runs out to greet his father returning from work)

CHILD: Daddy!

DAD: Hey-hey! How are you, hmm?

WES: (under his breath) Oh, for god's sake. (Louder) I know you're better at following people than this. So, what's the play?

JUSTINE: I just... need to talk to you. I'm alone. He doesn't know that I'm... I wanna talk to you about him.

WESLEY: Holtz? Great guy, not overly tall. Is this where you offer to help me behind his back?

(Wes turns and continues down the sidewalk. Justine hurries after him.)

JUSTINE: Do you believe in *anything*? Or is it all just a big scam to you?

WESLEY: You're a soldier, fight to the death kind. I respect that. You work for a man, who you think is noble and good. I respect that. Trouble is, he's not.

JUSTINE: You work with a vampire.

WES: Who in fact *is* noble and good. Quirky, but there it is. Holtz talks about 'justice' and it's stirring, but what he wants is revenge. He's driven by it, blinded by it, and if you, me, or anyone else gets in his way, he'll kill for it.

JUSTINE: You're wrong. You don't know him. Everything that he's done for me, for all of us...

WESLEY: Sounds like a nice cult.

JUSTINE: He gave you his word. He'll keep it. You're the one who's blind.

WESLEY: How so?

JUSTINE: What you're about to do to your friend? I imagine it's easier to hate Holtz than yourself.

WESLEY: There's enough to go around for both him and me. Be careful.

(Wes turns and walks away. Justine watches him, then jumps as Holtz voice sounds from behind her.)

HOLTZ: You are being careful. I didn't even hear you leave.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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