Cordy to Connor: I want you to have something real
from Apocalypse Nowish (Season 4)

CONNOR: (RE: rain of fire) What's happening?

CORDELIA: I don't know.

CONNOR: It's him, isn't it? It's that thing.

CORDELIA: We don't know that.

CONNOR: I should've tried harder. I should've stopped it.

CORDELIA: It was too strong. This isn't' your fault.

CONNOR: What if it is? What if that thing is—chose the place where I was born. Is that why it's here—because of me?


CONNOR: I was never supposed to happen. The child of two vampires. What if—

CORDELIA: Connor, it's not you.

CONNOR: You don't know that.

CORDELIA: Yes, I do. In my heart. It's not you, baby. It's not you. Not you.

(she kisses him)

CONNOR: Why—why did you—?

CORDELIA: Because I don't think it matters anymore. I know how you feel about me, Connor. When I think about what you've— you never had a childhood, or a family or friends or anything that's real, and if this is the end, I want you to have something that is.

(more kissing. followed by a trip to the bed. Which Angel arrives just in time to observe via the window.)

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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