Oz: We'll make it through this.
from Graduation Part 2 (Season 3)
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WILLOW: I guess that's it. Won't be long now.

Oz (concerned): You nervous?

WILLOW: Only in a- terrified way.

OZ: We'll make it through this.

WILLOW: Are you sure?

OZ: I sound pretty sure, don't I?


OZ: Then I must be sure.

WILLOW: Is that just a comforting way of not answering the question?

Oz blinks and almost shrugs. Willow and oz lean forward and they kiss softly. Oz puts his hand up to caress the side of her head. They kiss some more.

WILLOW: How long till graduation?

OZ: A little while.

Willow moves to kiss him again.

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written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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