Xander: frying pan, fire, you know what I'm sayin'? from Reptile Boy (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
WILLOW: You're going to the fraternity party? What made you change your mind?
BUFFY: Angel.
WILLOW: He's going with you? (to Xander) She's got a date with Angel! Isn't that exciting?
XANDER: I'm elated.
BUFFY: I-I'm not going with Angel. I'm going with -- ye gods -- Cordelia.
WILLOW: Cordelia?! (to Xander) Did I sound a little jealous just then, 'cause I'm not really... Cordelia?!
XANDER: Cordelia's much better for you than Angel.
WILLOW: What happened with Angel?
BUFFY: Nothing, as usual. A whole lotta nothing with Angel.
XANDER: Bummer.
WILLOW: I don't understand. I mean, he likes you. More than likes.
BUFFY: Angel barely says two words to me.
XANDER: Don't you hate that?
BUFFY: And when he does, he treats me like I'm a child.
XANDER: That bastard!
BUFFY: You know, at least Tom can carry on a conversation.
XANDER: Yeah! Tom? Who's Tom?
WILLOW: The frat guy.
XANDER: Oh, Buffy, I don't think so. Frying pan, fire? You know what I'm sayin'.
written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: