Wesley: If we look at them for too long they will burn right through us. Truths we couldn't bear. Not every day.
from Underneath (Season 5)
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(Wes & Illyria are on a rooftop)

WESLEY: Are you all right?

ILLYRIA: I breathe easier.

WESLEY: The walls don't press in as hard when you can't see them.

ILLYRIA: But they're still here.


ILLYRIA: All I am is what I am. I lived 7 lives at once. I was power and the ecstasy of death. I was god to a god. Now... I—I'm trapped... on a roof. Just one roof... in this time and this place, with an unstable human who drinks too much whiskey and called me a Smurf. You don't worship me at all, do you?

WESLEY: And you really can't leave.

ILLYRIA: I... don't know. And I fear in any other dimension in this form I'd be but prey to those I knew. I reek of humanity.

WESLEY: Don't flatter yourself.

ILLYRIA: Your world is so small. And yet you box yourselves in rooms even smaller. You shut yourselves inside... in rooms, in routines.

WESLEY: There are things worse than walls. Terrible... and beautiful. If we look at them for too long they will burn right through us. Truths we couldn't bear. Not every day.

ILLYRIA: We are so weak.

WESLEY: Yes. Yes, we are.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 33

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