Xander: Let the vid-fest begin.
from Restless (Season 4)
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XANDER: Let the vid-fest begin.

GILES: (to Joyce) You sure you won't join us?

JOYCE: No, you guys have your fun. I'm tired. I can't believe you're not exhausted. Have you even slept since...

GILES: Still feel a little bit too wired.

WILLOW: Mm. Yeah, that spell, that was, that was powerful.

BUFFY: Don't think I *could* sleep.

XANDER: Well, we got plenty of vids. And I'm putting in a preemptive bid for Apocalypse Now, huh?

WILLOW: (scowls) Did you get anything less heart-of-darkness-y?

XANDER: Apocalypse Now is a gay romp! It's the feel-good movie of whatever year it was.

BUFFY: (not buying it) What else?

(Joyce heads up the stairs, pausing to smile fondly at the crew)

XANDER: Don't worry. Got plenty of chick-and-British-guy flicks too. These puppies should last us all night.

(by the time the FBI warning is up on screen, they're all asleep)

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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