Buffy: Is this a date?
from Crush (Season 5)
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(Cut to inside warehouse. The two vamps are sitting on a sofa. Buffy & Spike enter)

VAMP 1: The Slayer!

(The two vamps turn and run away. Their popcorn continues popping.)

SPIKE: Well, that was sad. I'm embarrassed for our kind.

(Shot of the vamps' furniture arranged in a cozy grouping.)

SPIKE: So. Should we chase after 'em, then? They couldn't have gone far.

BUFFY: These vamps have been here for a while. They've nested.

SPIKE: So ... you're saying they're a couple of poofters?

BUFFY: No. I'm saying they had nothing to do with last night's murders.

SPIKE: How do you figure?

BUFFY: Whoever did it only arrived in town last night. Looks like you've wasted my time.

(She turns to leave. Spike hurries after her, instinctively open the door for her. Buffy stops with her hand up -- prepared to grab the doorknob -- and turns to Spike with a frown.)

BUFFY: What are you doing?

SPIKE: I, I was ... (scoffs) I wasn't thinking.

BUFFY: What is this?

SPIKE: Oh, come- don't get your knickers twisted, I was-

BUFFY: What ... is this? The late-night stakeout, the bogus suspects, the flask? Is this a date?

SPIKE: (loudly) A d- Please! (pretending to be amused) A date? You are completely off your bird! I mean - (quietly) Do you want it to be?

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
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