Buffy: We saved the world, I say we party
from Prophecy Girl (Season 1)

JENNY: Well, what do we do now?

GILES: I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like to get out of this place. I don't like the library very much anymore.

XANDER: Hey! I hear there's a dance at the Bronze tonight. Could be fun.


WILLOW: Buffy?

BUFFY: Sure! We saved the world. I say we party! (looks down at her dress) I mean, I got all pretty.

JENNY: And what about him? (indicates the Master)

BUFFY: He's not going anywhere. Loser.

GILES: (to Ms. Calendar) I'm not dancing, though.

JENNY: We'll see.

WILLOW: (to Angel) You can come with us, Angel.

BUFFY: I'm hungry.

XANDER: So what's the story with the car?

CORDELIA: Oh, that was me, saving the day!

WILLOW: (to Angel) Get something to drink.

BUFFY: Is anybody else hungry?

WILLOW: (to Angel) Well, no, don't do that. Just hang.

BUFFY: I'm really, really hungry.

Angel hangs back with Buffy.

ANGEL: By the way, I really like your dress.

BUFFY: Yeah, yeah. Big hit with everyone.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
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