Angel and Kate meet
from Lonely Hearts (Season 1)
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KATE: Are you okay?

ANGEL: What?

KATE: No, no, nothing. Sorry.

ANGEL: No. Am I okay?

KATE: Well you just looked...bad. Not that you look bad, you look very nice... I think I'm just going to have my drink.

ANGEL: Thanks.

KATE: For thinking you look bad, or thinking you look good?

ANGEL: You choose. I'm Angel.

KATE: I'm--I'm Kate. (...)

KATE: So do you come here a lot?

ANGEL: First time. It's really...

KATE: Easy? Yeah. I prefer those cool bars that are hard to get into, but I can't get into them. Anyway, this is close to home. So, did you--did you just stop in?

ANGEL: I'm sort of looking for someone.

KATE: I'm sorry, if I am keeping you...

ANGEL: No, no, no, I'm just looking for someone to...rescue? Are you maybe in need of some...rescuing?

KATE: Well, that's the strangest line I'm going to hear tonight.

ANGEL No, it's not a line. I'm...

KATE: Oh, I didn't mean... That was harsh.

ANGEL: No, hey, you know--I'm not very good at this...talking.

KATE: Well, I'm the expert. I'm sure you can see. Well, the answer is no, I don't need rescuing. I gave up on the knight in shining armor concept a while ago. Anyway I don't expect to find him here at the international house of posers.

ANGEL: People can surprise you.

KATE: I sound like a big hypocrite, don't I? Ragging on this place, I still come here most every night. How else are you going to meet somebody outside of work? It's either this, or sit at home alone in the dark.

ANGEL: Hmm. Wouldn't want that.

KATE: So...what do you do?


KATE: For a living.

ANGEL: I...ah...well, basically I, um, I help... I'm a veterinarian.

KATE: Really. Well, I always say a man that loves animals, is a man you can trust.


KATE: I guess I just...I just have a hard time, you know...trusting people. Male people particularly. In a place like this, it's not like anyone is just going to come up to you and show you who they really are. Everybody is too busy to get, I don't know, whatever it is they are looking for.

ANGEL: What are you looking for?

KATE: Depends on how many Daiquiris I've had. Oh, god, way to come off like a drunken slut. Slut's better then a hypocrite though, right? I'm moving up.

ANGEL: Kind of hard on yourself.

KATE: That's me, a self-flagellating hypocrite slut. What was your question?

ANGEL: What are you looking for?

KATE: I guess I'm just trying to make a connection. The more I come to places like this the harder it gets. What about you?

ANGEL: I honestly don't know. But I'll know it when I see it.

KATE: Would you? I'm sorry. Forget it.

ANGEL: What?

KATE: I was just going to ask you...if you would like to go some place...more quiet.

ANGEL: Um, I can't. I have got to stay here.

KATE: Right.

ANGEL: I would...

KATE: No, that's okay.

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written by: David Fury; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked by M'lyn.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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