Xander: Shopkeeper's union called
from No Place Like Home (Season 5)
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XANDER: The thousand-yard stare. Damn! You hate to see it on any man but especially in retail.

(Anya wraps up a woman's purchase and hands it to her.)

ANYA: (to woman) Please go.

(The woman walks away, shaking her head.)

XANDER: Anya, the Shopkeeper's Union of America called. They wanted me to tell you that "please go" just got replaced with "have a nice day".

ANYA: But I have their money. Who cares what kind of day they have?

XANDER: No one. It's just a long cultural tradition of raging insincerity. Embrace it.

(Anya calls out to her customer.)

ANYA: Hey, you! Have a nice day.

XANDER: There's my girl!

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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