Xander blames the wall
from The Body (Season 5)
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(After a long awkward silence, Xander punches the wall.)

XANDER: Sorry, sorry, some ... pent-up...

WILLOW: (getting up) Xander... Where did your hand go?

XANDER: As I was saying, some frustration, and now, uh ... I appear to be stuck.

ANYA: My god. Is your hand okay?

XANDER: Pretty much. I, I'm really sorry.

ANYA: (angry) You could have hit an electrical... (gestures vaguely) thing!

XANDER: And once again with the sorry.

WILLOW: Did it make you feel better?

XANDER: For a second there.

WILLOW: A whole second?

XANDER: In my defense, some crappy wallmanship.

WILLOW: Yeah, you can hear everything next door.

XANDER: Who did the drywall in this place?

WILLOW: I always forget to ask.

TARA: Did I miss something?

ANYA: Xander decided that he blames the wall.

WILLOW: Can you ... turn your wrist?

XANDER: Hold on. It's okay. (flexing his hand)

TARA: It hurts.

WILLOW: Here, wash it off.

ANYA: (to Willow) Band-aids?

WILLOW: Underneath.

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written by: Joss Whedon; transcribed by Joan the English Chick . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 35

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