Angel: So did I.
from Couplet (Season 3)

(Lorne is laying Connor down in his crib.)

LORNE: Alright now. You get some rest, big boy. Yes. You go to sleep. Get you nice and tucked in... yes.

ANGEL: Thanks for looking after him.

LORNE: Yeah. Sure. You okay?

(Angel looks down at Connor, a slight smile spreading over his face.)

ANGEL: Yeah.

(Lorne leaves as Angel keeps watching Connor. We see Wesley writing 'the son.' The camera pulls back to show us Wes staring down at his notepad. Angel walks in, carrying Connor.)

ANGEL: Working late?

WESLEY: Yes. - You startled me.

ANGEL: Oh, we didn't mean to.

WESLEY: I thought I was alone.

ANGEL: Yeah. (Looks at Connor with a smile) So did I.

(Wes watches as Angel kisses Connor's cheek and walks back out of the office. Wes lets out a sigh and looks back down at his notepad where we can read 'the father - will kill - the son.')

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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