(Romania 1898) Angel: I am a monster!
from Five by Five (Season 1)
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ANGEL: Mie foame! ("I'm hungry!")

Man: Pleaca de aici. ("Get away.")

Woman: Lasal in pace. E un cersetor. ("Leave him be. He's just a beggar.")

Man: (tossing Angel a coin) Bae o bere. ("Have a pint on us.")

ANGEL: Nu vreau banii rai. ("I don't want your money.")

Man: Ce ai spus! ("How dare you!")

(Angel puts on his vampire face and glares at the woman.)

ANGEL: O vreau pe ea. ("I want her.")

Woman: E un monstru! ("He's a monster!")

ANGEL: Eu sunt monstru! ("I'm a monster!")

(3 men grab him & drag him into an ally)

Angelus: Monstru! Eu sunt monstru! Eu sunt monstru!

(sounds of fighting)

Woman: Rudolph? I esti bime? ("Are you all right?") Rudolph?

(Angel emerges, grabs her, feeds on her, but stops before killer her...)

Angelus: ("I can't, oh God, I can't!")

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written by: Jim Kouf; original transcript from anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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