Angel to Cordy: See? It's just an office. Nothing scary popping out at you.
from You're Welcome (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

(the elevator opens, Wes & Angel step out into the W&H lobby, but Cordy stays behind)

CORDELIA: I can't.


(Cordelia sighs, steps off the elevator into the lobby, and looks around skeptically)

ANGEL: See? It's just an office. Going about its day. Nothing scary popping out at you. Just regular people—

(Cordelia gasps as she turns and sees Sebassis's slave being led out by security)

LAWYER: Yeah, I found the scamp hiding in one of the copiers, you know? Living on nothing but toner fluid. Can you beat that? The slave, I mean. I mean, I assume the Archduke's gonna beat him and all that.

ANGEL: That's—ha—nothing. Hey, do you wanna see my office?


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written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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