Spike to Dawn: I'm your sitter, so mind me!
from Bargaining (Part 2) (Season 6)
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SPIKE: A couple of stakes... ...holy water, one cross - Ow! Brilliant. (notices Dawn) Here! You want me to bloody thump you? I told you to stay away from the window.

DAWN: Who are they?

SPIKE: Hellions. Road pirates. They raid towns ... use 'em up, burn 'em down. It's usually backwaters, any place... (realizes) Any place they think is vulnerable.

DAWN: They know. The Slayer's gone.

SPIKE: Can't stay here.

DAWN: W-well, I'm not going out there!

SPIKE: Got no choice, bit, I can't protect you here.

DAWN: Well, we can lock the doors, turn out the lights.

SPIKE: And what, hide under the bed linen? Not really my style.

DAWN: But we need to wait for the others, and Buffy....bot. You know, the-the Buffybot. We-we have to wait for the others-

SPIKE: (Impatient) Look! (calms) Dawn, I get that you're scared. But I'm your sitter, so mind me. I'm not gonna let any of those buggers lay so much as a warty digit on you. Right?

DAWN: (whispers) Right.

SPIKE: Right, then. We can't wait around to see if the others will pop in. We're on our own. No one's coming to our rescue.

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written by: Marti Noxon & David Fury; Transcribed by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 29

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