Fred: Seidel is gonna die.
from Supersymmetry (Season 4)
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GUNN: I don't like this, man. I got a bad feeling. What?

ANGEL: Here. The thing all those students have in common.

GUNN: Oliver Seidel. As in the guy she's with right now. (starts to walk out, but Fred's already there) Fred, thank God. Look, there's something we gotta tell you. The portal—

FRED: It was Professor Seidel.

GUNN: Yeah.

FRED: And he's done it before.

ANGEL: That's right. There were others.

FRED: No. To me. He's the son of a bitch that sent me to Pylea.

GUNN: What?

ANGEL: We're gonna get this guy.

GUNN: Count on it. He's gonna pay.

FRED: No. He's gonna die.

(... commercial ...)

GUNN: What do you mean, die?

FRED: I don't know yet. But it's gonna be about pain. (opens weapons cabinet, selects a long-handled weapon with a curved blade at the top) The halberd could work. Acting like I'm all addlebrained talking about other dimensions. (mocking) Pylea? Never heard of it. (angry) Right. How 'bout a flail-whipping? Would that take a nice long time?

ANGEL: Hours, if you do it right. Not that you should do it at all. (takes whip from her) Ever.

FRED: He's a killer, and he's just sitting there smiling, telling me I'm so gifted and how he wants to teach me. Oh, there's gonna be a lesson all right.

GUNN: All right, Fred, let's calm down.

FRED: I idolized him, and he sent me to hell. Me and God knows how many others who didn't make it back. So-so sure! I'll calm down when he's dead!

GUNN: Fred, a few years ago, I would've done in the guy myself. But this—it isn't what we do.

FRED: We kill monsters every day.

GUNN: We help people. Fred, if you do this, the demons you'll be living with won't be the horned, fangy kind. They'll be the kind you can't get rid of.

FRED: You're wrong.

ANGEL: He's right. Whatever you do now it's nothing compared to how it'll be afterward.

GUNN: What you're talking about goes against everything you believe in. Everything we believe in. Fred, you idolized him. But don't let him be defining what you are now. Can I have the axe?

FRED: (hands over the axe) I'm sorry, Charles. I guess I kinda lost it.

GUNN: You want a drink? I could make you some cocoa.

FRED: No. Thanks. I'm just gonna go lie down. For a few days. (heads upstairs)

GUNN: (to Angel) So what are we gonna do to this guy?

ANGEL: No idea, but let's do it fast.

GUNN: We gotta get to him before Fred changes her mind. 'Cause vengeance—it can get ugly.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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