Cordelia: Don't say the 'B' word
from Heartthrob (Season 3)
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WESLEY: When Angel comes back...

GUNN: When *is* he coming back anyway?

CORDELIA: As soon as he works through his grief a little.

GUNN: A little? Buff...

CORDELIA: Don't! Say the 'B' word.

GUNN: The 'B' word was the love of his life, and he's, what? 250? That isn't a short life. That grief work is gonna take more than a vacation in Sri Lanka.

WESLEY: It isn't a vacation. It's a spiritual retreat at a monastery.

GUNN: Hmm. Angel and a bunch of monks in the middle of nowhere. There's a party! He should have got hammered and went to Vegas just like I told him.

WESLEY: He doesn't need a lap dance. He needs some peace and quiet to work through this.

(Cut to Angel, dressed in white robes, fighting against armed, red robbed monks in the hall of the monastery)

MAN: (speaking Tibetan) What happened?

ANGEL: (answering in Tibetan) Demon monks. I should've gone to Vegas.

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written by: David Greenwalt; modified from the shooting script to match telivised version by me. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 43

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