Buffy stops Warren's armoured car robbery
from Seeing Red (Season 6)
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(Watching Warren rob an armoured car)

ANDREW: I can't wait to get my hands on his orbs.

JONATHAN: (sarcastic) Yeah. I'm sure he'll be giving 'em up any second now.

BUFFY: Hi. Is this your bank? 'Cause if not, there's gonna be a fee for that.

WARREN: I was wondering when Super Bitch would show up.

BUFFY: You really got a problem with strong women, don't you?

WARREN: Nothing I can't handle. (fighting) Seem a little off. Bad day?

BUFFY: It's getting better.

WARREN: That all you got?

(buries him in rubble)

ANDREW: (guts ripped out) No!

BUFFY: (to Jonathan and Andrew) There's two ways this can end. And right about now I'm thinking they're both gonna hurt.

ANDREW: I think you're right.

WARREN: (emerging from rubble) What's the matter baby? Never fight a real man before?


WARREN: Wow. That almost hurt, kitten.

ANDREW: (egging Warren on) Kill her! Kill her!

WARREN: You know who I am? huh, Slayer?

BUFFY: You're a murderer.

WARREN: That too. But more to the point -- I'm the guy that beat you. And it's not the muscles, baby. It's the brains.

BUFFY: I'll remember that when I knock 'em clean out of your --

(Jonathan jumps on Buffy)

WARREN: Whoa, Sparky! I didn't think you had it in you.

JONATHAN: (hissing in her ear) The orbs! Smash his orbs --

WARREN: Say good night, bitch.

(smashes energy orbs)

BUFFY: Good night, bitch. You're nothing but a sad little boy, Warren. But it's time you grow up -- and pay for what you've done.

WARREN: Get away from me! I swear to god I'm gonna take you down. You piece of..

(takes off with rocket pack)

BUFFY: Oh come on.

ANDREW: Well played, Slayer! (reveals his own jet pack)

JONATHAN: Why didn't I get one of those?!

ANDREW: This round to you. But the game is far from over.

(flies up, smashes into overhang, crashes to ground)

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; No transcript available, so I started with the Shooting Script and spent a couple-three hours editing it to match what was said and shown on the broadcast version. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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