Adam: I am here to kill
from Who Are You? (Season 4)
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ADAM: (pacing) I have a gift no man has. No demon has ever had. I know why I'm here. I was created to kill. To extinguish life wherever I find it. And I have accepted that responsibility. You have lived in fear and desperation because you didn't have that gift. But it's time to face your fear.

Boone: (stands) Tell us what to do.

ADAM: (approaching) You are here to be my first. To let them know that I am coming.

Boone: (sincerely) We're ready.

ADAM: Then ask yourself, what is it? More than man. More than anything else. What is the thing you fear?

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by *Joseph B*. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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