fighting Lurconis
from Band Candy (Season 3)
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TRICK: Come on, big guy. They're not getting any fresher.

MAYOR: (on cell) Carol. Hi. Yeah. Call Dave on the public works committee tomorrow about sewer maintenance and repair. I have some concerns regarding exposed gas pipes, infrastructure, ventilation. And, uh... cancel my 3:00.


(fight, then hear rumbling noise)

GILES: What the hell's that?

(huge demon snake appears, swallows a vampire, leaves)

BUFFY: Lurconis, I'm thinking.

TRICK: Ordinarily, I like other people to do my fighting for me, but I just gotta see what you got.

BUFFY: Just tell me when it hurts. (Giles jumps in) Giles! No!

(they fight, Lurconis reappears & is torched by Buffy's make-shift flame thrower)

TRICK: You and me, girl. There's hard times ahead. (runs)

BUFFY: They never just leave. Always gotta say something.

JOYCE: Can we go home now?

BUFFY: Yeah, we can go home. I've got the SATs tomorrow.

JOYCE: Oh, blow them off. I'll write you a note.

BUFFY: No. It's okay.

JOYCE: Poor babies. Come on...

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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