Cordelia: Hey! That's my blouse!
from The Thin Dead Line (Season 2)
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ANNE: Could you give Emma a hand in the kitchen? (There is a pounding on the front door and she goes to answer it.) Sorry, no more... (Sees that it's Cordy and Wes) Hi, what...

CORDELIA: Is Gunn still here?

ANNE: No, he left with his friends a little while ago. Why?

WESLEY: Did he say where he was going?

ANNE: Forty fifth street, I think.

WESLEY: I'll start there. I'm on my cell phone if you hear from him.

CORDELIA: Check in with me.

WESLEY: Right.

CORDELIA: (To Anne.) Huh, looks like you could use some help.

ANNE: All of my regular staffers are too scared to come in tonight.

CORDELIA: Where do you want me to start?

ANNE: How are your laundry folding skills?

CORDELIA: I'm an actress. I can fake it.

(Cordy turns and sees a girl wearing the blouse Angel donated to the shelter in Blood Money coming down the stairs.)

CORDELIA: Hey! That's my... (The girl looks at her) Sorry. - I have a shirt just like that. (To Anne) The crook at the store said it was one of a kind! Big fibber!

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written by: Jim Kouf & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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