Angel (RE: Wes & Gunn) I don't give a rat's ass about what's going between you two. Put it away!
from Habeas Corpses (Season 4)
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WESLEY: This is it. I believe there's a door about 30 meters up.

GUNN: You believe or you know? 'Cause every time you show up believing something seems somebody gets their head drilled or falls into a portal.

FRED: Charles—

GUNN: I'm just saying.

WESLEY: Yes, well I'm doing—

ANGEL: Will you guys shut up? I don't give a rat's ass about what's going on between you two. Put it away. We're here for Connor.

GUNN: I still don't see how you plan on getting us up there. (Angel jumps up the chute) Show off.

(Angel drops a line down the chute. Wes grabs onto it. they use flashlights to explore the gutted building full of dead bodies)

FRED: Oh my God... I know they all worked for an evil company, but this is— (Gunn is startled) What?

GUNN: Heard something.

ANGEL: Power's down. We'll have to take the stairs.

GUNN: Just so I'm clear on the plan—

ANGEL: Third floor—get Connor, get out.

FRED: (gasps) Sorry. Feeling a little goosey.

WESLEY: For good reason.

ANGEL: Be quick, be quiet. As far as we know, that thing's still around.

GUNN: I don't get it. Wolfram and Hart is evil, the big bad is evil... why go all Terminator on your own team?

ANGEL: Maybe all it wants... is to eliminate the competition.

FRED: Doesn't give us much to look forward to, does it?

(they reach the spot Gavin's body was, but it's missing)

WESLEY: (to himself) Wasn't Gavin...?

ANGEL: Over here!

FRED: He's not in here.

WESLEY: Let's be certain.

ANGEL: No, she's right. He's not. That's good, means he's still alive.

GUNN: (glares at Wesley) Or that Sherlock got his facts wrong again.

ANGEL: No, I can smell him. Connor was here. We should split up. You three, take one stairwell. Sweep each floor, we'll meet up top.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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