Connor: He was bitten by the beast. He may rise again.
from Tomorrow (Season 3)
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(Night, a pickup truck pulls into a deserted meadow and comes to a stop under some trees. Justine and Connor get out and walk around to the back of the truck. )

CONNOR: No white cliffs?

JUSTINE: Not in this neck of the woods. Sorry. Still looks like where he came from though.

CONNOR: Eng-land? Maybe it's like the ranch.

JUSTINE: The ranch?

CONNOR: Where I was supposed to grow up - in Utah.

JUSTINE: (smiles) He told you about that? That was our dream.

CONNOR: He always told it, before sleep. Him and me, where no one else could ever find us.

JUSTINE: (hurt that she wasn't in the story) Yeah. We should - we need to bury him.


JUSTINE: I'll do it.

CONNOR: No. He was bitten by the beast. He may rise again.

(Justine looks at the two neck wounds and we get flashbacks of her killing Holtz. )

HOLTZ: You said you'd do anything for me.

(Connor leans in to Holtz's body)

CONNOR: I will do as you taught me. I will cling to the good - and I will lay waste to the evil. Sleep now, father - and forgive me.

(Connor throws Holtz's body to the ground, and swings an ax down towards the neck. Justine turns away)


(Connor and Justine watch over the flaming byre they've built to consume Holtz's body)

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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