Spike to Dawn: All this for a book?
from Blood Ties (Season 5)
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PIKE: Girl with a mission, eh? What's the caper? Jewels? Ancient artifacts? Or just plain hard cash liberated from the till?

DAWN: A book.

SPIKE: All this for a book?

DAWN: I don't want the book. Just what's inside. I think it was Giles' notes. He was standing here, and when I turned around it was gone.

(She begins feeling under the counter. Spike takes something off the counter and puts it in his pocket. Dawn finds the hidden drawer and pulls it open, revealing the book. She smiles in triumph. Cut to later.)

SPIKE: Where did he learn to write so bloody small, from a fruit fly?

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 38

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