Buffy: Harmony has a gang?
from The Real Me (Season 5)
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XANDER: Buffy is not going to be happy about this.

(cut to later, Buffy very amused)

BUFFY: Harmony ... (laughing) Harmony has minions?

XANDER: Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction.

BUFFY: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (Clear throat and stops laughing) It's just ... Harmony has minions! (Starts laughing again)

XANDER: And Ruffles have ridges. Uh, Buffy, there's actually a more serious side to all this.

BUFFY: I sure hope so, 'cause I'm having trouble breathing. (Giggles, then stops and takes a deep breath) What is it?

XANDER: (nervously, looking at Anya) Well, she did come here to kill you.

(Buffy bursts out laughing again. Riley also snickers.)

RILEY: (chuckling) Buffy, come on, they have killed once that we know of. She could be a threat to you. (Buffy laughs harder)

ANYA: Especially now that she can enter your house any time she wants.

BUFFY: (sobering) What?

XANDER: Uh, yeah, actually, she -- Harmony -- kind of happened to sort of get an invite.

BUFFY: You guys can't invite her in. I mean, only someone who lives here can- (quietly) Where is she?

ANYA: In her room. Look, I think she's still pretty freaked out.

BUFFY: Dawn!

(she starts to stomp out. Xander stops her)

XANDER: Buff, it was an accident. She didn't mean it.

BUFFY: Oh, well that just makes it okay then, doesn't it?

XANDER: No, but believe me, nobody feels worse than her right now.

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written by: David Fury; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 68

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