Graham to Riley: You shoulda seen it, Rye.
from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4)
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(Lowell House, party. Buffy and Riley are across the room from each other with their respective friends, but can't keep their eyes off each other. )

FORREST: You're kidding. Mason requested to go on patrol?

GRAHAM: He just didn't want the girls to see him with his eyebrows all burnt off.

FORREST: He's lucky that's all he lost.

GRAHAM: You shoulda seen it, Rye. Weird as hell.

RILEY: (not listening) Mm-hmm.

(Forrest and Graham frown, look where Riley's looking. Cut to Buffy and the gang.)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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