Wesley: I ask that you not overreact
from Expecting (Season 1)
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WESLEY: (looking at a Demon picture in a book) Eeesh!

CORDELIA: That's him, isn't it?

WESLEY: I ask that you not overreact. Keep in mind that oft times these 16th century engravers tended to exaggerate. Cordelia? I know it seems dire, but now that we've identified the species, there's every chance we'll be able to stop what's happening to you. That's right. We mustn't lose hope.

(Cordelia hits Wes viciously with the book, twice, dropping him)

CORDELIA: You're not gonna hurt my babies. No one's gonna hurt my babies.

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written by: Howard Gordon; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by renenet and me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 13

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